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  • Framing the problem you are trying to solve to improve focus.
  • Understanding the drivers for current program structures/approaches, including legislative, regulatory, economic and social drivers.
  • Understanding the current policy and political environment that makes up the strategic environment for your program.
  • Examining your data and understanding trends.
  • Looking to others across the world to identify emerging trends and quantify relevant evidence.
  • Listening to clients, staff and stakeholders to understand their needs and experiences.
  • Homelessness and health needs analysis for Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network, to identify needs and design evidence-driven responses.
  • Review of national regulatory policy for Early Childhood Education and Care sector to identify areas requiring change (NSW Department of Education)
  • Review and redesign of government grants programs to increase impact and reduce unnecessary red tape. Examples include programs aimed at seniors, carers, women and communities.
  • Statutory review of the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014 to test its continued relevance and appropriateness. (NSW Department of Communities and Justice)
  • Facilitating ‘think tank’ work including workshops and scenario development for a redesign of the NSW Government Resources Efficiency Program.