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Maura Boland (she/her)

Managing Director – Sydney/Hobart

Maura is driven by the potential for transformational change in the way systems work and people receive services. A multidisciplinary problem solver, Maura has deep experience in the public and social sectors.

Maura is driven by the potential for transformational change in the way systems work and people receive services. A multidisciplinary problem solver, Maura has deep experience in the public and social sectors.

Maura works from a desire to deeply understand the principles that drive the current state, and how to change them. That means she operates as both a specialist in human services, but also a generalist who rapidly learns and applies frameworks from other areas such as energy, heritage, environment and planning. The curiosity she brings facilitates both redesign of existing approaches and the development of new strategies.

Key projects include

  • Government strategy development: Developing numerous whole of government strategies in diverse areas, including the NSW Women’s Strategy 2023-2026 in which she led development of the strategic framework, designing and executing consultation with over 2,000 women in a range of media including online and in-person discussions, designing potential responses and preparing the strategy document.
  • Review and design of homelessness responses: Working with both a key national NFP specialist homelessness provider and with government to understand what works and how the system could be transformed to deliver more impactful services. Her work ranged from direct discussion with many people with a lived experience of homelessness through to research and designing responses.
  • Strategy and planning: Facilitating strategic thinking and strategic planning workshops with many government and for-purpose organisations and Ministerial Advisory Councils to identify their goals, unique contribution and execution strategy.
  • Public Policy and program review: Leading a wide range of reviews including a scheme regulating energy services, early childhood and care in NSW and nationally, grants programs and heritage listings.

Outside of The Insight Partnership

Before founding The Insight Partnership, Maura was Deputy Secretary for the then Department of Family and Community Services where she was instrumental in leading change in areas including domestic and family violence and homelessness. She had a long and successful career in the NSW public service, working across housing and human services, social policy and service delivery, environment and conservation in both line and central agencies.

Maura holds a Masters of Applied Science in Communication Management, a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in genetics alongside other graduate qualifications in management.

In her spare time, Maura is on the Board of Aruma, one of Australia’s biggest disability organisations, with a turnover of $500M and over 5,000 staff. She is a fervent reader who is never without one (or 15) books on the go, a taiko drummer and ukulele player, and loves travel.

Key capabilities

public policy • strategy and planning • leadership and capability • design • regulatory policy • review • engagement

Related sectors

government • health and ageing • human services • infrastructure • education • environment and conservation • energy

Greg Davies (he/him)

Managing Director – Sydney/Hobart

Greg is energised by helping people build great relationships and solve complex problems. He likes to focus on both the people and the issue, creating solutions that endure.

Greg is energised by helping people build great relationships and solve complex problems. He likes to focus on both the people and the issue, creating solutions that endure.

Greg has extensive experience in public policy and management, strategy and performance measurement from 15 years’ senior experience in the NSW Government and as a consultant for the last 20 years.

Greg has deep experience in environmental policy and human services, having advised the State and Commonwealth Governments on a broad range of issues—particularly housing, disability and health.

Greg has worked with clients across government, NFP and private organisations.

Key projects include:

  • Strategy and policy development: Facilitating development of whole of government strategies and progress reporting (NSW Veterans Strategy; NSW Ageing Strategy); regional planning for Aboriginal programs (Department of Aboriginal Affairs); leading strategic and business planning for a wide range of government and NFP organisations across aged care, health care, housing and homelessness, community development, local government.
  • Program design and review: Design of performance-based contract and funding models (HNECCPHN); review of the NSW Disability Inclusion Act (DCJ); action plan for coordinating care in neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases (ACI); statewide consultation for NSW Government disability employment program (PSC); review, design and development of supporting materials for a NSW energy assistance program (DPIE); redesign of a funding program for peak organisations representing carers (DCJ); governance review and strategy development for agricultural education and heritage site (DPI).
  • Evaluation and performance measurement: 20 years’ experience in designing and delivering evaluations and performance measurement including evaluations of NSW Ageing Strategy, Carers Awards (FACS), Duke of Edinburgh (Duke of Edinburgh Awards Australia), skin cancer prevention (Cancer Council/NSW Health). Development and implementation of performance-based frameworks, for example co-design and implementation of patient-reported measures to underpin outcome-based payments (HNECCPHN); performance-based frameworks for large public infrastructure projects ($300M+) tied to contract payments (eg TfNSW, ARTC); evaluation framework for whole of government Aboriginal Affairs strategy.
  • Executive capability and leadership development: Strategic planning and executive coaching, including Aboriginal cultural heritage (Heritage NSW); development of functional design for proposed organisational structure working closely with the Executive team (Heritage NSW); functional alignment of a central support function in Office of Environment and Heritage (DPIE).

Outside of The Insight Partnership

Before co-founding The Insight Partnership, Greg had a successful career in policy and evaluation in the NSW public service, in a range of central and line agencies.  He became a consultant with a specific focus on evaluation, then in establishing and supporting Alliance contracts in large civil construction projects (road, rail, water).

Greg has a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Studies, a Bachelor of Arts and is trained in Executive Coaching and Mediation. He is a cold-water swimmer and paddler, and loves food.

Key capabilities

public policy • strategy and planning • leadership and capability • design • regulatory policy • evaluation and review • engagement

Related sectors

government • environment and conservation • health and ageing • infrastructure • human services • education • energy

Lacy Barron (she/her)

Associate Manager – Sydney

Lacy is a policy professional committed to creating and delivering meaningful, sustainable outcomes. Focused on collaboration, Lacy has experience across public and social policy, with specialist expertise in housing and homelessness.

Lacy is a policy professional committed to creating and delivering meaningful, sustainable outcomes. Focused on collaboration, Lacy has deep experience across public and social policy, with specialist expertise in housing and homelessness.

Lacy has over 20 years’ experience as a strategic advisor and consultant across government and for-purpose sectors. She prioritises identifying how systems impact outcomes and how to create an environment for change. Lacy’s combined expertise in consultation and engagement, research, and design delivers insights on opportunities for immediate impact and pathways for reform.

Key projects include

  • Government strategy development: Leading and contributing to government strategies in diverse areas, both within and outside of government, including the NSW Homelessness Strategy and Women’s Strategy 2023-2026. Her work included state-wide engagement with the public as well as targeted stakeholders, research and analysis to consider trends and new evidence-based approaches, and delivering the strategies.
  • Strategy and planning: Supporting and facilitating strategic workshops and planning processes with for-purpose organisations and Ministerial Advisory Councils to develop a clear vision on their strategic direction, unique opportunities, and actions to increase impact.
  • Policy and program review: Working with for-purpose and government agencies to review schemes and programs to identify existing solutions and new initiatives in energy services regulation, heritage listings, and homelessness. This work includes identifying opportunities to build organisational effectiveness and change system settings to improve outcomes.

Outside of The Insight Partnership

Before working with The Insight Partnership, Lacy was Director of Strategic Policy in the NSW Department of Family and Community Services where she was led strategic projects and policy development including in social impact investment, homelessness, and the intersection between disability reforms and social services.

Lacy holds a Master of International Social Development and a Bachelor of Arts (Magna Cum Laude) in politics and literature from the University of Pennsylvania.

Key capabilities

public policy • strategy and planning • analysis and research • design • engagement • review

Related sectors

government • for-purpose and community industries • housing • homelessness • human services • infrastructure • environment and conservation • energy